The Aviat Aircraft 2020 LONESTAR STOL Competition and Fly-in Wrap Up
Aviat Aircraft Lonestar STOL was a spectacular, fun, successful event. In defiance of the persistent rain, 44 Pilots competed in 5 different classes: Heavy Touring, Light Touring, Bush, Alternate Bush and Light Sport. 11 Husky Pilots competed in the Bush Class.
Four Husky factory pilots got out and showed their stuff in the hot-seat: Earl Polenz, Sales Rep from Park City, Utah; Dan Coury Sales Rep from Pegasus, Arizona; Dale Stewart, Factory Pilot and Todd Christensen Sales Rep from Alaska. Todd, a 2nd time STOL competitor, finished 3rd in the Bush Class with his new stock 2020 180HP Husky A-1C with 35″ tundra tires – right off the Showroom Floor. Congratulations Todd on your 3rd Place finish.
We want to thank all of the Pilots and Spectators that came out and enjoyed the event. Thank you Doug Jackson for organizing this event and reaching out to us as the Title Sponsor. A special thank you to all of the Pilots that showed up with their Huskys: Eddie Abraham, Don Lamont, Todd Hodnett, Shawn Francis, AB Cox, Doug Smith and Chuck Lambert.
#aviataircraft #huskyaircraft #lonestarstol #flyitlikeyouSTOLit
Remember: Sometimes shorter IS Better