Schweiss Doors Webinar
Hangar door expert, Mike Schweiss, will explain everything you need to know. Topics include: • The 5 common mistakes when choosing a hangar door • What you [...]
Stirling Moore and her Husky Aircraft
Meet Stirling Moore, Husky owner and rancher. We caught up to this remarkable young woman on Instagram, where she was posting amazing photos of her [...]
Tax Depreciation Webinar
Let Uncle Sam Pay For Your New Plane We recently webinar on the generous tax benefits available to Americans buying airplanes for business use. It turned [...]
Chip Ferguson Texas STOL Roundup Winner
Meet Chip, Husky Owner and Bush Pilot You may have seen Chip Ferguson in an AOPA magazine article earlier this year. That's Chip in the video below - [...]
Husky Bush Planes in Africa
Husky bush planes for Frankfurt Zoological Society's Anti-Poaching Program EARL POLENZ TRIP TO AFRICA :: HUSKY DELIVERY TO LUANGWA Earl is a [...]
Meet Jack, fellow Husky Owner
"Flying the Husky is one of the very few things you never get tired of doing."If you haven't seen the recent AOPA article on Alpine Airpark, you [...]
Aviat Husky Now EASA Certified
The Husky A-1 is now EASA certified. In March this year (2016), Aviat Aircraft Husky A-1 received the prestigious EASA Certification and is approved day/night, IFR/VFR. We [...]
One Family, Five Pitts!
Mike Newman and his family know the Pitts well. His family has owned 5 of them. We asked Mike to share his story with us: "The S-2A was my [...]